TLT has advised a Glasgow-based diagnostics company that has pioneered the early detection and identification of cancer on a multimillion-pound investment.
A commercial judge has dismissed part of a man’s claim against two green energy companies for negligently installing wind turbines in the wrong locations after ruling that he could not claim for losses accrued by business vehicles he had formerly owned in part.
Pinsent Masons’ Scottish corporate team concluded a successful 2024, advising on numerous multi-million-pound national and international deals across various sectors.
A lord ordinary has ruled that a waste management company is entitled to sue the Scottish Government over its decision to delay the coming into effect of the Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland.
A former landlord who alleged that his tenants had stolen a set of shutters and failed to pay for replacement carpets has been refused permission to appeal his two cases against them to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it upheld the First-tier Tribunal’s decision in both cases that no loss had been suffered.
The shortest-serving prime minister in UK history, Liz Truss, has taken legal action against Sir Keir Starmer over his claims that she “crashed the economy”.
Thompsons Scotland LLP has announced the establishment of the life impact team, a group of specialist solicitors committed to handling serious injury cases.