Following the increases announced in the Autumn Budget to employer National Insurance Contributions and National Minimum Wage, UK businesses’ profit growth expectations remain low and many are looking to review employee costs across the board including implementing hiring freezes, according to Grant Thornton UK.
All Scottish councils must learn from the weaknesses that allowed an Aberdeen City Council employee’s £1.1 million fraud go undetected over 17 years, the Accounts Commission has urged.
The FinTech Scotland Cluster has recorded an 8% year-on-year employment growth during 2024 bringing the total number of people working in fintech to over 11,300.
Scotcoin is set to be listed on a major cryptocurrency exchange in February 2025, which will see the project valued at $250 million (£200m) on its market debut.
Edinburgh-based payment orchestration provider BR-DGE has recorded a significant transaction volume uplift and made a spate of new senior hires in 2024 as the company scales rapidly to meet unprecedented demand in 2025 for its modular services.
Richard Gardiner of Thomson Cooper Accountants has been appointed liquidator of Heritage Park Estates Limited, the company operating Bendochy Park in Blairgowrie.
The Bank of England’s (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has voted to hold interest rates at 4.75%, following a slight uptick in inflation in November.
KPMG has posted a 5.4% rise in global revenues to $38.4 billion (c. £30.5bn), outpacing its Big Four rivals in terms of revenue growth in the past year.
Edinburgh tech company Workpro has secured an additional £500,000 equity investment from existing sources as well as three new investors, including Capital for Colleagues.
Audit Scotland has raised concerns over the future of the publicly-owned Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow (FMPG), highlighting uncertainty as no more work is secured beyond the completion of MV Glen Rosa (802).