Start-up tech companies participating in the Scottish Government’s Techscaler business accelerator programme have raised more than £118 million of capital investment in the past two years.
Private equity (PE) investment in Scotland surged by over a third (35.6%) in 2024, reaching £9.4 billion, according to KPMG UK’s latest Private Equity Review.
TLT has advised a Glasgow-based diagnostics company that has pioneered the early detection and identification of cancer on a multimillion-pound investment.
Housing associations face a challenging insurance market amid huge increases in premiums, research commissioned by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has found.
New research from Grant Thornton UK LLP has revealed that, while many businesses expect they will need to secure additional funding to support their growth this year, the majority are currently finding it difficult to access the funding required.
Henderson Loggie has announced its move to larger premises in the heart of the capital, marking an exciting new chapter after six successful years in Edinburgh’s Thistle Street and 25 years in Edinburgh.
The Bank of England is poised to slash interest rates to a low not seen in over a year and a half during its upcoming meeting this Thursday, 6 February.
The Scottish Borders benefited from an economic boost of nearly £2.5 million from hosting a stage of the 2024 Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men, according to research by YouGov.
Charities and social enterprises in Dundee are invited to a unique event designed to connect them with fund managers and experts in Scotland’s third sector.
KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, and EY, have significantly reduced graduate hiring and shed thousands of jobs as they grapple with a prolonged downturn in the professional services sector.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has set out proposals to make it easier for listed companies to issue corporate bonds that wealth managers and retail investors can buy.