Robert Bennet, head of sales and marketing at Rearo, highlights the changing role of the bathroom over the years, and how that has impacted developers and suppliers in the construction industry.
Lynne Peacock is part of the Chartered Institute of Building’s Member Services team based in Scotland and is urging nominations for this year’s coveted CIOB Scotland Awards.
In an exclusive for Scottish Housing News, Gail Matheson, CEO at HHA, highlights her concerns about the proposed Housing Bill for mid-market rent developers.
Keith Brooks delves into the complexities of Scottish income tax rates and how individuals can navigate them, particularly focusing on the effective tax rates faced by those earning between £100,000 and £125,140, and offering strategies to mitigate tax burdens.
Scotland’s hospitality sector is posed with staffing difficulties as the UK government implements new salary thresholds for hiring overseas talent, writes Kelly Hardman.
BTO solicitor Kieran Thrall and trainee solicitor Kate Ross explain a determination by the Outer House that notification of loss and expense claims is a condition precedent to entitlement and highlight its implications for the construction industry.
With changes upcoming to the time limit for enforcement action in England for breaches of planning control, Brodies partner Neil Collar and associate George Sismey-Durrant highlight other differences in planning law between England and Scotland.
Governments alone do not have enough capital to fund the infrastructure required to address imminent economic challenges and meet future targets, writes David Young.
Janey Milligan, managing director of Construction Dispute Resolution, discusses the rise in construction adjudication cases being witnessed at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Marcus Di Rollo discusses the housing crisis in Scotland, considering the implications of rental market policies like the rent cap for both landlords and tenants.
Graham Alexander delves into the challenges hindering the UK’s utilisation of the vast opportunities within the subsea sector, highlighting fiscal instability, lack of clear policy direction, and the need for a cohesive national industrial strategy to unlock the sector’s potential.
Chris McGinn, commercial manager at PfH Scotland, believes Scottish social landlords need to get back to basics when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint of their homes.
Jenny Davies, associate director at Scottish Futures Trust, details the issues faced by key workers struggling to find affordable places to live and highlights some example solutions from around the country.
Paul Hilton, the CEO of property portal ESPC, explains why homeowners (whether owner-occupiers or landlords) need more support from the Scottish Government’s upcoming Heat in Buildings Bill, for which ESPC was recently part of the consultation.