Savills Affordable Housing Consultancy has added to its expertise with three new appointments including from the Bank of England and a CEO from a recently merged housing association.
Glasgow Caledonian University’s Reader in financial services Dr Patrick Ring has been appointed to the Education and Learning Committee of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).
Ayrshire Housing has strengthened its team with the appointment of a new finance director to help deliver more new developments to meet local housing needs.
Aberdeen accountancy firm Hall Morrice expanded its team with six new appointments across its audit, accounts, and business advisory departments, bringing a wealth of expertise and financial sector knowledge to drive further growth.
Inverness-based Aurora Energy Services Ltd has appointed contracts and procurement specialist Katie Jordan to its management team as chief commercial officer.
JLL has announced eight promotions in Scotland, spanning various departments, including capital markets, industrial and logistics, office and real estate management services teams in Glasgow and Edinburgh.